The Living Cuisine in Academia
A local recreational movement, The Living Cuisine is making its name heard in world universities as well as in Turkish universities. A presentation titled ‘The Living Cuisine’ was made in The Uzbekistan State Institute of Arts and Culture on May 7, 2019. You can also download and have a look into the details of the presentation downloading it from the link below.

IGTSC Cappadocia
The 4th International Gastronomy Tourism Research Congress, 19-21 September Nevşehir – The Living Cuisine
The proceedings of the congress are originally 771 pages, and have been summarized for readability.

J Of T and G Studies Article
I feel honored to share with you, my dear followers, that The Living Cuisine, which is a recreational movement that not only refreshes but also entertains its guests, has achieved to be in the agenda of academia in an article published in Gazi University Journal of Tourism Guide, in the Congress of Gastronomy held by Çanakkale 18 Mart University, and lastly, in an article published in the 30th issue of the Book of Gastronomy published by Bulgarian St. Kliment Ohridski University.